BRAVOLesson trial-account
The trial account is completely free. It allows you to check out and try a single-user license of BRAVOLesson as much as you want for two weeks. Fill in the form below.

For feedback to teachers on all levels of education
Single-user license for principals and leadership: € 400 per year.
School license for principals and all teachers: € 54 per user and year.
Fill in the form below to try BRAVOLesson.
Handling of your personal data
BRAVOLesson / Successful Schools Sweden stores and manages your personal data in accordance with the EU GDPR. You can at any time request to stop receiving further information from us about improving teaching. You can do this via a link in each mail that you receive from us which will allow you to unsubscribe from further communication.
The information is stored in systems outside the EU and handled by our contracted partners on our behalf. The information will never be made available to third parties for their own purposes. To ensure that the information we send to you is relevant, we may use other methods to process your data, such as profiling.
If you suspect that your data is being mis-used, you can notify the relevant data protection authorities explaining why you feel it is being mis-used.