BRAVOLesson blog Feb 4th 
All pupils and students deserve fantastic teaching
and all teachers deserve constructive feedback!
That is the core of school improvement.

Welcome to our ten parts series!

Not just improvements – continuous improvements. This series is about our whitepaper: A guide on how to implement a systematic approach to improve teaching. The perspective is not about leadership controlling teachers, but instead about working together with teachers to improve teaching. The teachers are both appreciated and valued, but also challenged about learning and improving student outcomes. This is also about increasing job satisfaction. It all goes together.

It is important to start with a vision. Why should we do this at all? When discussing a vision it is important and helpful to discuss the following questions – to engage everyone in the organisation:

  1. What is our mission?
  2. What and when do our students learn during a lesson?
        How do we know that learning is taking place?
  3. What are the important qualities of teaching?
  4. What qualities do we focus on first?
  5. Do we agree on the important qualities of teaching?
  6. What do we observe when we visit a classroom/lesson?
  7. What do we discuss during the dialogue afterwards?
  8. How can we see and measure progress?

We hope you will follow our series! It will continue until the summer of 2019 with one new part every two weeks. Below you can see the topics of next parts.

Greetings from the BRAVOLesson Team




Upcoming parts in our series about
a systematic approach to improve teaching

  • Part 1 of 10 
    Eight questions before you get started
  • Part 2  
    How to make a good teacher?
  • Part 3 
    The four challenges for a systematic approach to improve teaching
  • Part 4
  • Part 5
    Improve teaching across the whole staff

Online tools to improve teaching and learning 


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